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Who We Are

Kyle loves Jung and is an IAAP certified Jungian Analyst and Board Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor in private practice.

She has taught the clinical, religious, cultural, and artistic dimensions of Jung's work  in Societies across North America, in universities from NYC to Seattle, and at congresses internationally.

Her poetry and scholarly essays have been published in Psychological Perspectives and elsewhere. Some can be viewed on her blog:

Kyle is also an accomplished neuroplastician and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner™.  She has certifications in sound and movement techniques, helping patients to integrate what Jung called, the "somatic unconscious." 

please see www.neuroplasticityspokane

for more details






Kyle  Williams


Charles loves Jung.  Several decades ago, floundering in the depths of an intense religious experience, Charles discovered Jung.  His first exposure to Jung was the essay, "The Dreamlike World of India" (CW, vol  ).  Charles immediately felt Jung's writings possessed a gem-like quality: unusually clear for spiritual writing, yet reflecting the deepest religious mysteries.  Jung, along with other wise contemporary Analytical Psychologists, fished Charles onto dry land, bringing with him pearls from the journey in the unconscious.

Charles' current interests center around traditional (or "Classical")  Analytical Psychology as treatment a more effective than the contemporary pharmacological and Dialectical and Cognitive Behavior approaches.  He is interested in the application of Analytical Psychology to addiction and other compulsive disorders.  Charles continues to be struck with the effectiveness of dream interpretation as a clinical tool. 
Charles' two decades serving as a librarian for the Seattle Jung Society gave him extensive knowledge of Jungian literature. In addition to Jung's writings, Charles' favorite Jungian authors include Edward F. Edinger, Marie Louise von Franz,  Erich Neumann, Ester Harding,  Elie Humbert, and Julian David.  He is slowly reading through the new Jungian material being released by the Philemon Foundation.
Charles holds a BA in Philosophy and is currently doing research for an essay about the philosophical and psychological foundations of the Reality of the Psyche.

Charles Morrison

Rabbi Tamar loves Jung. She was originally introduced to Jung's thought as an undergraduate religion student at Oberlin College, where her professor taught, Man & His Symbols, a collection of essays by Jung and his early colleagues.  

Jung's teachings have greatly enhanced her understanding of the intersection of Judaism and psychology.  

She is interested in how Judaism and Jung's teachings function together as a powerful means of self-understanding and personal growth.  

Rabbi Malino currently serves as the rabbi of two congregations, Temple Beth Shalom and Congregation Emanu-El in Spokane.  She was ordained by Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion in 2001.

Tamar Malino
